Project Description: 

PICSPAVE was chosen for the replacement flooring for a number of areas around the site. Textured imprinted paving was installed in the main entrance area including leaf and animal footprint designs, designed to match the existing wall theming. An imprinted Drusillas Park corporate logo was hand created for the Zoo, which is reusable as the site renovation continues. The worn out original concrete pathways were replaced with PICSPAVE decorative concrete leading into and throughout the Farmyard area, and through into the Discovery Centre, using a combination of Textured, Reclaimed Timber and Old English Cobble imprinted effects in different colours. The themed renovation created the opportunity to improve drainage, larger pedestrian access and provided aesthetic improvements throughout the refurbished area of the site.

Project Requirements: 

Drusillas Park chose PICSPAVE to suit the Zoo environment and themed areas. PICSPAVE ( is a minimum 150mm thick slab of decorative concrete used widely across the sector to handle large pedestrian and vehicular traffic volumes where longevity and simple in-house maintenance are called for. To improve safety, and minimise the risk of trips and falls, PICSPAVE removes the issue of loose slabs, blocks or flags occurring as they inevitably move over time.

Products Used:

  • Textured & Cobble design imprinting mats
  • Bespoke Drusillas Park Logo, leaf and animal prints created by DCS
  • PICS Colour Surface Hardener & Release Agent in a range of colours
  • PICS High Solid Acrylic Sealer
  • Hanson PICSPAVE imprinting structural concrete mix design



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