The PIC paving system is a high strength, extremely durable, grey concrete slab which, while soft, is coloured and then pattern imprinted with a design to resemble cobbles, bricks, stone and even wood! Unlike block paving, tarmac, gravel or paving slabs, PIC will not dip, sink or move and is weed free. It is the best paving system available.

In a nutshell, PIC has all the benefits of a good quality, well laid concrete slab but it looks attractive.


This weed free, stain resistant and minimal maintenance paving system is used across the world and available in a large range of colours and patterns. PIC has been used in the UK for over 4 decades and there are numerous installations in this country that were installed over 30 years ago and yet visually it would be difficult to determine if they were 35 years old or 5 years old!

Everybody will have walked or driven over PIC and maybe not even known. PIC is used in virtually all theme parks through the UK, many drive-thru establishments, including McDonalds. specify PIC. It is used for shopping precincts, museums, sports stadiums, pavements, zoos, garage forecourts, golf clubs, hotels, sea defences and bridges. In fact, PIC can be used anywhere that an attractive and durable, weed free low maintenance hardstanding or paved area is required, including thousands of domestic driveways and patios each year.

PIC is used internally as well as externally and has been used successfully in climates ranging from the cold freezing temperatures of Iceland to the warm climate of Dubai and the Caribbean.

Lastly, and to save any confusion, PIC, when installed correctly, can and does satisfy any surface surface water drainage requirements in the UK and can easily compete with any permeable paving system with regard to surface water runoff.

This makes PIC the paving system of choice for the vast majority of paving requirements.


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