Project Description: 

PICSPAVE was specified for the new paving for the new refurbished main entrance to the Zoo, plus a number of pedestrian areas around the Zoo. Textured imprinted paving was installed throughout the Survival Trail, around the Zoo Shop, and the Adventure Golf areas, including sunshine, leaf and animal footprint imprints, designed to blend with the existing walling and artificial rockwork, using a combination of colours including a bespoke match to the corporate branded colours.

Project Requirements: 

Hertfordshire Zoo specified PICSPAVE in complementary as well as bespoke colour and textured combinations, to suit the rest of the upgraded Zoo environment and themed areas. PICSPAVE is a minimum 100mm slab of concrete used widely across the Zoo and Theme Park sector to handle large foot and vehicle traffic volumes, where longevity and simple in-house maintenance are called for. To improve safety, and minimise the risk of trips and falls, PICSPAVE removes the issue of loose slabs, block paving movement or loose gravel suffering from vegetation occurring as they inevitably degrade over time.

Products Used: 

  • PICS textured design imprinting mats including sunshine, leaf and animal prints
  • PICS colour surface hardener & release agent in a mix of bespoke colours
  • PICS High Solid Acrylic Sealer
  • Cemex PICSPAVE imprinting structural concrete mix design


  • Client – Hertfordshire Zoo
  • PICSPAVE- Decorative Concrete Specialists
  • Concrete Supplier – Heidelberg
  • PICSPAVE Materials – PICS Ltd
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